OS4 beta 3, quickly close multiple apps in the fast task dock

by Justin Horn on May 5th, 2010 @ 12:55 am

Previously when trying to force close apps in the new fast app switching dock, you had to go one by one…tap and hold, hit the remove button, tap and hold…you get the idea. I didn’t think this was an issue before as there is no need to manually close them (read more on how multitasking works).

Now when you tap and hold, all the fast app switching icons start to jiggle like they do on the home screen of the current OS. Then you can easily click the remove button on multiple apps without need to tap and hold again. Then you just press the home button to stop the apps from jiggling. I promise you closing these apps isn’t necessary, but for those of you with obsessive compulsive disorders it’s a nice touch.

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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