Apple to get more touchy-feely?

by Justin Horn on Aug 2nd, 2010 @ 11:19 am

No, not emotionally, but with their touchscreen devices.

Patently Apple:

Prototypes have recently surfaced using Apple devices to show off a new tactile feedback technology. The company behind this next generation tactile technology is Senseg. Senseg’s technology isn’t powered by mechanical motors like older technology but rather based on virtual touch technology. This means that it doesn’t have any mechanical parts that could wear-out. Senseg E-Sense™ software could produce localized tactile feedback in small areas of the surface of the device without having to vibrate the whole surface.

The old mechanical ways of giving tactile feedback didn’t seem “Appley” enough for it to actually happen, but if this technology works well, I can definitely see Apple incorporating it into their iOS devices.

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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