Hey Steve, you sure we’re holding it the wrong way?

by admin on Jun 24th, 2010 @ 10:56 pm

Go here (http://iphonehold.tumblr.com) to see all the other pics of iPhone 4 in the left hand!

(via Daring Fireball)

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View 2 Comments
Apple vs ?, iPhone 4


  1. manchicken
    June 25th, 2010 8:17 am

    The hand you hold it in isn’t the problem, the position of your hands over the two black bars is the problem. My iPhone 4 works just fine in my left hand, unless I very carefully cover the two bottom black bars with my hand.

  2. 2.
  3. manchicken
    June 25th, 2010 8:33 am

    Upon further review, it looks like I just hold my phone a lot differently than some other people. I’m left-handed, so I usually hold my phone in my left hand. That said, I usually hold my phone more in my fingers than in the palm of my hand.

    Only if the fleshy part of your palm where your thumb joint is covers the left side of the phone do you have problems.

    That does sound like an odd issue, perhaps Apple should look into fixing that. That said, I don’t know how they would fix it, it seems like an antenna design issue.

    If you look carefully at how Steve is holding it in that photo he isn’t using his palm to hold it. I think they should have put this weak spot on the top or bottom, not on either side where your hand would go. I know many righties who also hold their phone in their left hand so they can use the touch screen with greater accuracy.

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