Gruber throws some gas on the Gizmodo fire…again

by Justin Horn on May 14th, 2010 @ 6:01 pm

The boring stuff you already read on 800 other blogs…

Wired published an article today about how the iPhone 4th Gen finder:

Police closed in on the man who found and sold a prototype 4G iPhone after his roommate called an Apple security official and turned him in, according to a newly unsealed document in the ongoing police investigation.

Then CNBC reports (via @9to5Mac) that the police unsealed the wrong document:

In a stunning twist to the ongoing drama surrounding the Apple iPhone prototype, the San Mateo County Court unsealed the wrong documents earlier today connected to this case.

Ok, now the funny stuff…thanks to John Gruber. He posted an article on Daring Fireball about an hour ago entitled,  “Where in the World Is Jesus Diaz?”:

I’ve emailed Diaz, along with Gizmodo editorial director Brian Lam, but haven’t gotten a response. My simple questions:

Is Jesus Diaz currently in the United States? If not, where is he, when did he leave the U.S., and when is he planning to return? Lastly, what role, if any, did Diaz have in the purchase of the iPhone unit from Brian Hogan?

Here are some tweets in response to this article from both Jesus Diaz and Brian Lam:

Jesus posted a tweet with a photo of him apparently at the office in the US:

@jesusdiaz: I wish I was in Spain now. Sadly: hey, @gruber you are a liar #losers #fail #assclowns

@jesusdiaz: That last tweet was about this, btw: @gruber, why do you insist in publishing slander and lies?

[view tweets]

Brian Lam also got in on the fun:

@blam: Hey @Gruber, I was in mexico, too. Just a tip for your investimaginations. PS, you got my title wrong. [view tweet]

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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Apple vs ?, Humor, iPhone 4


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