iDon’t vs iCan: Verizon’s Droid vs Apple’s iPhone

by Justin Horn on Oct 18th, 2009 @ 12:09 am

Related Post How Verizon’s iDon’t commercial should have been

For those of you hoping for a Verizon iPhone next year, it looks like AT&T was able to extend their exclusivity contract for at least another year. Today Verizon continued their negative ad campaign against AT&T and the iPhone.

YouTube link via The iPhone Blog

I find it interesting that all the iPhone ads show what the iPhone iCan, while Verizon is all about the iDon’t. Verizon has taken the negative approach which to me is a sign of desperation and/or frustration over not getting a piece of the pie. Yes, Apple has also dabbled in a negative approach with Microsoft in the the Mac vs PC ads where Apple jokes about the shortcomings of Windows, but at least they try to keep those ads fun (even if some are kind of dumb) and don’t seem like dark, over dramatic political smear campaigns. Verizon’s first negative ad was a play off Apple’s, there’s an app for that commercials, but was mainly attacking AT&T’s service. Now the gloves have really come off with Verizon going directly after the iPhone. Verizon is hyping up their new self branded Android phone called Droid, produced by Motorola (via Daring Fireball). If this new Verizon phone had anything special about it, they wouldn’t be talking about what the iPhone can’t do, but what makes the Droid special. I’m taking a wait and see approach on this one, but my gut is telling me this won’t even be as good as the Pre.

Now, let me step out of fanboy mode…

The only iDon’ts that make sense to me are background apps and customization. If this Droid can “background app” like the Pre than this is a valid point. The lack of background apps on the iPhone doesn’t really bug me, but it’d be nice to have it for specific apps (radio apps anyone?). Also, keep in mind the iPhone does do limited background apps for the built in apps like iPod. On the customization front, they do have another strong point (for those not willing to jailbreak). This is also the theme of the MyTouch Android phone ads in which they are really playing up the “make it your phone”. For me the limits of making the iPhone, myPhone, don’t outweigh the benefits. I’m sure there is plenty of you out there that would disagree and that’s why I give Verizon another point for this one.

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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Apple vs ?, Humor, iPhone


  1. [...] sure you notice the similarities to the new Verizon, “iDon’t commercial” I discussed [...]

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  3. Eric Duncan
    October 28th, 2009 11:41 am

    The AnDroid mobile phone operating system was built primarily to open up the market to a Linux-like world of open source and free initiatives.

    Those that would rather pay a premium (or rather, can afford the premium) for built-in do-dads and gizmos, go the Apple route ($2k laptops and desktops). Those that want to save the bucks and donate to charity or some other means, live without those gadgets and devices and go the cheaper route (windows, sprint, verizon).

    Once I got my first iPhone bill from AT&T, I immediately eBay’d my iphone and paid the cancellation fee. Staying at Sprint, I calculated $53/mo in savings for my family. What did I do with that extra $600 per year? I’ve donated to NPR, SomaFM, etc. I’ve used it to buy concert tickets and went to a few broadway plays. And that was just in the last year in savings.

    Those can afford the premium, have at it. Enjoy it. Those of us that would rather spend the money elsewhere, will go that other direction and save a buck for other entertainment.

    I for one thought the commercial was cute. :)

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  5. Justin
    October 28th, 2009 11:57 am

    Hi Eric, I agree with everything you said except the commercial itself. They could have done a much better job even in the same theme of going head to head with the iPhone.

    Also, Apple prices have actually come down. You can pick up a really nice laptop now for $1k and the iMac for $1200. I use a PC everyday, but love using my MacBook!

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  7. [...] clear now Verizon and Motorola are going after the nerd crowd with their TV ads now. Just like the iDon’t commercial, most people probably won’t know what’s being sold to them except for nerds, but this [...]

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  9. Zerm
    November 12th, 2009 10:40 pm

    I don’t get why everyone is making such a big deal about Verizon putting down iPhone. Mac has been bashing PC for years now and no one said a thing. Now when it’s turned around Mac fans all cry. I don’t support either company but it is common practice for anyone trying to break into a market that’s almost monopolized by another. Mac had to do it against PC, and now Droid must do this against iPhone. Yes there are better ways to get yourself heard, but there is nothing wrong with this. Sorry for ranting but tired of everyone saying Verizon is bashing iPhone, who the f*ck cares?! Do you work for iPhone?

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  11. Justin
    November 13th, 2009 11:35 am

    Zerm, I really just thought it was a dumb commercial. All but the tech nerds of the world even knew what it was for.

    So far I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Droid and that makes me happy. I still think the iPhone is much better for my needs, but if no one competes with Apple then they won’t have a need to add a better notifications system or background apps which are my main complaints with the iPhone now.

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