iPhone 3.0 beta turns up the WiFi juice?

by Justin Horn on Mar 21st, 2009 @ 6:38 pm


Since I’ve had my iPhone 3G in July I’ve noticed on several occasions on which I was not able to see all available WiFi hot spots around me, but my MacBook sitting right next to the iPhone would see a much larger list. Since upgrading to 3.0 I’ve I seem to have a lot more locations showing up. On top of this personal observation I have also noticed that while hanging out with my iPhone 3G 2.2.1 friends (suckers!) they have fewer (or none) WiFi locations while I have serveral.

At first I thought it might be knowing I had a newer version affecting my judment, but doing this direct comparison with a 2.2.1 has convincied me that 3.0 has turned up the juice or made some tweak to greatly improve the WiFi. Has anyone else noticed with 3.0 noticed this increase int he WiFi location list?

The only downside is it hasn’t affect the connection speed. Just ran a speed test on My3Gspeed.com (site created Chiyin and I) on my DSL connection and got about the same results of about 3 mbps as when on 2.2.


Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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