storm’s emo pinata commercial tries to be funny, it’s not

by Justin Horn on Dec 2nd, 2008 @ 11:46 am

Not sure if you’ve seen the latest blackberry storm commercial yet, if not take a peek before continuing…

Ok, I understand the joke, but it’s not funny unless you are an apple / iPhone hater. So I just did a quick test and here is what I came up with while typing at my normal speed, which is about the same speed as the dude in the commercial or maybe a little faster. I typed ‘Reno nevada’ which then transformed into ‘Reno Nevada’. So I bumped up my typing speed to something quite ridiculous (even for me) and typed ‘Re p neveda’ which transformed into ‘Re p Nevada’. If I had typed ‘b’ or ‘m’ instead of the space bar along with my ‘p’ I would have got ‘Reno’.

Normally I would say whatever…just another dumb commercial that some will find funny, but this time I’m calling shananigans. If apple gets in trouble in the UK for misleading ads becuase they only have 30 seconds to show all the cool features of the iPhone, then c’mon! I know they don’t name the iPhone in the commercial, but everyone with half a brain knows they are ‘trying’ to take a cheap shot…too bad the commerical falls short as does the device.

UPDATE I realize that the commerical never mentions the iPhone so of course they wouldn’t get in trouble for anything misleading, but I was just taking it from the point of view that the iPhone is the biggest competition to RIM. So basically RIM is saying that the iPhone touch keyboard wasn’t very good, but after reading the reviews of the Storm, RIM’s first all touchscreen device, seems like it’s actually much harder to type on than the iPhone.

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

View 9 Comments


  1. rkdidk
    December 14th, 2008 10:45 am

    i think your just a storm hater because your dumb ass is with at&t and bought the piece of crap iPhone

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  3. dizzy
    December 14th, 2008 12:17 pm

    I nothing the storm. There is enough blackberry fans that hate it already.

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  5. fishy420
    December 17th, 2008 12:07 pm

    ur rite and all these haters know it. theyre jus jealous.

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  7. Jwass
    December 17th, 2008 5:06 pm

    dude, its just a commercial.

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  9. dizzy
    December 17th, 2008 5:26 pm

    @Jwass LOL, yeah, it was a slow news day

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  11. [...] the emo piñata now? digg_skin = ‘compact’; digg_bgcolor = ‘#FFFFFF’; digg_topic= ‘apple’; digg_window = ‘new’; [...]

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  13. [...] below you can see RIM taking a direct jab at Apple. I guess my assumptions about the “emo pinata” being a joke on Apple’s touch screen keyboard were accurate. The reason why I think [...]

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  15. Duckie
    March 16th, 2009 2:38 pm

    I don’t think that the commercial was taking a jab at the iPhone specifically, just phones in general. For a lot of regular cell phones especially, they have the auto fill- in feature, which will automatically fill in words for you as you try to go through the letters on the number pad. It’s on those phones that you’ll end up getting the ridiculous fill- ins like ‘emo pinata,’ or my favorite, ‘Marry Christopher’.

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  17. Justin
    March 16th, 2009 3:13 pm

    Duckie, I had started backing off my original thought that this was directed at Apple, but after seeing the never released commercial (click the link above your comment) it’s pretty obvious that Apple was on their mind when coming up with the ad concepts.

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