iPhone 2.0.2 update… 2 weeks after 2.0.1

by Chiyin on Aug 19th, 2008 @ 11:22 am

Last night Apple released the iPhone update 2.0.2. A mere 2 weeks after the initial 2.0.1 update. Hopefully this version will finally fix all those annoying quirks, but more importanly I hope this is a signal they are going back to their old ways. There was a time, and not too long ago, when Apple was known to be very careful with their quality control. When buying an Apple product you are not only getting a quality device, you are also getting a user experience. But witht he introduction of the iPhone 2.0 firmware they dropped the ball and the experience part of the package was lost. The update was plagued with so many problems that it prompted users to question Cupertino’s attention to detail. The rapid introduction of 2 updates could mean that they are trying desperately to patch the problems or that they are so committed to the user experience that they are rushing the updates out. Let’s hope it’s the latter and not former.

Follow me on Twitter @chiyinng

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Apples & Oranges, iPhone


  1. dizzy
    August 19th, 2008 12:02 pm

    Well my phone has been on EDGE most of the morning after updating to 2.0.2 last night. I’m going to say it’s due to the tropical storm that is blowing through and will withhold judgment until the sun comes out in the next day or so (hopefully).

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