hey apple, don’t delete my app!

by Justin Horn on Aug 6th, 2008 @ 6:45 pm

Just read an interesting article over at MacRumors. I’m not going to go into the details as you can just read them by clicking the MacRumors link, but basically it talks about how apple can remotely shut down apps that it finds to be malicious.

I believe this article points out what I feel is the biggest difference between apple and microsoft. Apple tries to protect / coddle its user by having control over every little, tiny, minute detail of its products. I really wish apple would meet somewhere in the middle. Coming from a PC background it is frustrating to me that a lot of the time my hands are tied by apple.  I do understand they make products for the masses, not the 5% of tech savvy users, but if this article is true I think this is going a bit too far. I wouldn’t  mind having an alert (SMS?) telling me an app might be bad, but not to uninstall it without my knowledge. I would even go so far as to let apple disable the app and force me to re-enable to use it…but uninstall NO!

I’m hoping apple doens’t abuse this, but since they own the app store the decision of what to put on the blacklist is up to them.  How would you like that nice netshare app (if you were lucky enough to grab it) to disappear from you phone and find out about it while on a road trip and in need of using it in a crunch?

Are you in the camp that likes to have big brother watching your back or would you like to be able to make some of your own decisions?  Leave some comments and let me know how you feel about this!

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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Apples & Oranges, iPhone


  1. [...] as I’m sure you’ve all heard there was a story going around the internet like wildfire yesterday that apple could remotely delete apps off your phone.  There were a lot of people saying that this [...]

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