iPhone 2.2 beta 2 released, adds walking / public transportation directions

by Justin Horn on Oct 25th, 2008 @ 5:54 pm

Well there was rumors it was out and then yanked, but it’s now out for sure. One of the big things I was hoping for in the last 2.1 firmware release was google walking and public transit directions. When I first saw google maps had added these features on the computer (see my orignal post) I speculated that this would be a great feature to see in the 2.1 update. I guess it was a good idea, but was just a bit too new to make it into the 2.1 update because AppleInsider is reporting that the new release will have walking and public trans directions! There is also confirmation of the google street view which I agree is pretty cool, but not as useful as the walking / trans directions.

iPhoneYap.com has posted several images of the new google maps for iPhone 2.2. Here are a few to check out after the break.

It still shows beta, just like the web version

Pretty cool that it shows you all the times, this might put a dent in those subway app program sales!

If you look at the top you now see the buttons to choose between the car, public transportation, and walking

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