iPad makes its sitcom TV debut on ABC’s Modern Family

by Justin Horn on Mar 31st, 2010 @ 9:17 pm

Quoting the husband / wife banter about the iPad (if you don’t like to read, just watch the video below):

Husband: Well…got to hit the sack, big Saturday tomorrow
Wife: That’s right, it’s somebodies birthday
Husband: It’s not just that, the iPad comes out on my actual birthday. It’s like steve jobs and god got together to say we love you Phill
Wife: What is so great about that doohickey anyway?
Husband: doohickey Elly Mae, it’s a movie theater, a library, and music store all rolled into one awesome……pad.

Later in the show the iPad is actually shown, check out this video from Engadget below:

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Humor, iPad, Product Placment

Jimmy Fallon, sell out?

by Justin Horn on Mar 10th, 2009 @ 4:51 pm

Slow news day for me since iTunes gift certificate hacks and more netbook rumors aren’t my thing. So I thought I would write about Late Night again. On Monday night’s episode Fallon’s final guest was Engadget editor Josh Topolsky. The interview was basically just an 8 minute advertisement for the upcoming Palm Pre. Jimmy, how could you…talking about how the Pre could be better than the iPhone all the while having your MacBook only inches away?

I’m kind of hating on the Pre, but my whole issue with the Pre is that it’s being compared to the iPhone 3G and not the upcoming 3rd gen iPhone. The Pre and next gen iPhone should be coming out at about the same time. I’m all for competition and hopefully this has set a small fire under Apple to add more features in the next iPhone hardware and software, but if Apple keeps being Apple the Pre may not save Palm.

Not really that interesting of a clip so if you aren’t from the US, don’t worry about it.

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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Humor, iPhone, Product Placment

“I Love You, Man”

by Justin Horn on Mar 5th, 2009 @ 12:51 am

Just got back from watching an advance screening of “I Love You, Man”. First off, really funny movie with a good plot for a comedy. I highly recommend going to see it.

So why am I writing about this on an Apple blog you ask? …mostly because  I can, but also due to the fact that, like a lot of movies these days, Apple products play a big role in the film. Both main characters are rolling with first gen iPhones which play important roles in the film. Don’t want to say too much about it and ruin the movie, so go see it. I’m not sure why Hollywood is still using the first gen iPhone, but hey at least it was an iPhone and not a blackberry. I did appreciate that the ringer and the unlocking sounds from the iPhone were accurate…a lot of shows/movies seem to insert fake sound effects.

The movie also had the standard placements of iMacs, MacBooks, and Dells…yes, Dells always seem to mix in with the Apples, watch Fox’s 24 to get the full Dell/Apple feel. iTunes also made a prominent appearance in introducing the main character’s girlfriend to Rush (I really can’t stand Rush). The only downside to this iTunes appearance was the fact that it was on running on a Dell notebook. :)

Follow me on Twitter @justin_horn

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iPhone, Product Placment