protect your computer and look cool doing it… with gelaskins or infectious

by Chiyin on Feb 3rd, 2009 @ 11:14 pm

Me computer

Update: a better picture in daylight :)

Let me say that I am probably the most anti-protector, anti-case, anti-skin person that exists. I don’t like anything covering my electronic devices, in fact I don’t even like things that resemble a case like the mophie battery pack, but a few weeks ago while reading Wired magazine I came across these laptop skins and I got to admit, they are pretty cool.

Ok, before anyone says anything, Wired actually featured Infectious‘ laptop skins in their monthly Playlist. Not Gelaskins, but I’ll get to that later. Playlist is a section in Wired with very brief descriptions of 10 cool or interesting things they find that month, and these decals really picked my interest. Lately I’ve been noticing more and more scratches on my MacBook, so I’ve been looking for something that could protect my laptop without making it ugly. The decals are made with an adhesive that doesn’t damage or leave residues when you take them off of your equipment and they come with some very funky designs. I decided to check it out.


Infectious definitely have some cool designs, I particularly like this one, and they also have iPhone decals with the same design. It was decided, I was going to get it, but when I got to the checkout stage and saw the cost of shipping it made me think twice. Paying $9 – $12 to ship a decal is a bit much, however that’s not what made me look elsewhere, it was believe it or not their free shipping offer. The offer is for orders of $50 or more, so I thought about getting the iPhone skin too, but that still didn’t make it to $50, in fact even with 2 iPhone skins you wouldn’t qualify for free shipping. That turned me to Google and that’s how I found Gelaskins.

Gelaskins offers the same type of decals but with very different graphics. Where Infectious is more designer like, Gelaskins is more artistic. I can’t say that I like one better than the other since they are different, but I can say that I really liked the one I got. And their shipping was $1 less than Infectious. So if you want to protect your laptop and have a tricked out looking computer go and check them out.

No Skin

With Skin

Follow me on Twitter @chiyinng

View 4 Comments
Apples & Oranges, MacBook


  1. Lilah
    February 4th, 2009 8:11 am

    Sweet! I LOVE the selection of artists that gelaskins has – it took me forever to decide, finally picked a Luke Chueh skin for my iPod!!

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  3. Chiyin
    February 4th, 2009 10:04 am


    awesome… you are going to love the decal… send us a picture when you get it :)

  4. 3.
  5. valois
    February 9th, 2009 6:53 pm

    looks awesome….

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  7. Anisa Yazzi
    May 9th, 2011 12:31 pm

    Hm, So i am happy with this but nevertheless not thoroughly certain, therefore i’m going to research a touch more.

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