Fox’s 24 Day 7: Mac vs Dell

by Justin Horn on Jan 27th, 2009 @ 2:23 am

chloe-macbookCatching up on some DVR’d 24 episodes, I mean “hours”, from the new season I noticed something a bit amusing now that I’ve come to the Mac side of life. During the first couple hours, I noticed that the US government (White House, FBI, etc.) computers were all PCs. It wasn’t until hour 3 when the bigger plot start to unfold (in classic 24 style) that we get to see some Macs. I’m still a few episodes behind so I’m sure there are a lot more surprises in store, but as it stands now the government is runningĀ  PCs/Servers from Dell and the uncover/rouge group has several new looking Macbooks and iMacs. I guess 24 is pretty accurate because I just read a report the other day that the White House didn’t even have WiFi :)

To the fun part…
During this third hour Chloe has hacked into an FBI office’s surveillance cams. She is discovered and booted out by the head IT geek, but the FBI’s PCs are no match for Chloe and her Macbook / iMac and she is able to get back in.

chloes-macs-1 chloes-macs-2

governments-pc-1 governments-pc-2

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Apples & Oranges, MacBook, Macs


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