new windows vista commercial hard to watch

by Justin Horn on Sep 5th, 2008 @ 12:21 am

Well I just finished reading a post on Macenstein with a youtube video of the new ad campaign for windows vista. You know the one that’s supposed to combat the beloved mac vs pc commercials. The title of this post says it all…not only was it a horrible commercial in terms of getting a point across, it was actually painful to watch all one minute and 30 seconds of it! The only winner here is Jerry Seinfeld, who is also the only one laughing…all the way to the bank (to cash his cool 10 mill). So now that Dr. Macenstein has subjected me to this video I’m going to pass it along to you. Please remember that once you watch this, you can never unwatch it!

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Apples & Oranges


  1. nerio
    September 5th, 2008 10:03 am

    dude… of course it gets a point across… the shoes are, wait… the churros are, wait… nevermind… I tried… but can anyone tell me what’s going on in the video?

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