easy wifi app to simplify use of free att wifi

by Justin Horn on Dec 4th, 2008 @ 2:26 pm

Easy WiFi for AT&T for iPhone out now [iTunes Link].  Basically this app is supposed to make it easier to connect rather than all the back and forth with the text messages. It is currently free, but should be going up to $1.99 sometime on Friday.

When I tested the free att wifi about a month ago, it wasn’t that bad doing it the text message way.  It only took about 30 seconds to get online. This app should ease the process of getting on att wifi a bit, but I doubt I would spend the $2 bucks on it (I’m a cheap ass).

Once I get a chance to put this to the test I might change my mind on not spending the $2 bucks, but while it’s free there is no reason not to get it!

[via TUAW]

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